About Us

Coote Consulting Group, LLC

Building the Bridges That Bring Businesses Closer to Their Goals
A diverse workforce infuses your business with a wider range of skills and various perspectives that breed innovation and advancement, but you can only benefit from those assets when your employees know how to communicate and work well together. Diversity training bridges the gaps and allows your business to benefit from the full spectrum of value within your workforce.

Our Mission

To support individuals and organizations in achieving their goals free of bias and discrimination

Our Vision and Values

As the world becomes increasingly connected, we encounter more opportunities to benefit from the full spectrum of human individuality, but these opportunities can be challenging for organizations that don’t have the tools to bridge cultural and other divides. CCG gives those organizations the skills to fully appreciate the diverse communities that staff our workplaces. By developing management practices that approach diversity as an asset, we hope to promote the values we want to see in this country’s leading companies.

Moving Your Organization To A Higher Level of Success

Our Committement
We are Committed to providing Specially designed programs that aid organizations in cross-cultural and diversity management. We help to make you and your staff better able to effectively communicate across cultural and diverse barriers.

Meet The Founders

Dr. Gillian Coote Martin

Founder & CEO
Doctor of Business Administration

Dr. Tamika Mayes

Managing  Director
Doctor of Business Administration